Saturday, February 1, 2014

Foreground Bokeh

One day of the 30 day photography challenge in January was "bokeh". I've previously published here examples of the bokeh shots I did over Christmas, as Christmas lights make such a great background for beautiful blurred lights. Since I had recently done that type of shot, I wanted to try something different for this challenge and to experiment with foreground bokeh. In this scenario, the subject is behind the lights, but you still want to try for the nice blurred effect. I discovered that it's a lot harder to do than the more traditional bokeh, and I may not have used the most ideal light source for my bokeh, but at the end I was pleased with a few of the shots that I got. 

The above shot was the one I submitted for the challenge, as it reminded me of bubbles in an aquarium.
I also wanted to try with a different subject (as pretty as my fish is!), so I grabbed one of the three brass giraffes that I have (they were my grandmother's).
Overall it was a fun experiment, and it's something that I'd like to continue working with to get better!

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